2018 Annual Conference: Building Blocks of Early Childhood

This year’s meeting provides an in-depth look at early childhood. Research shows that the earlier our children receive the educational, emotional and social support they need, the more likely they are to succeed later on in life. However, far too many children in our state, especially those born into already challenging circumstances, don’t receive the help they need, effectively starting life at a disadvantage. For philanthropy to effectively address this issue, grantmakers must understand why early support is so necessary and also learn about promising trends and best practices that we can help bring to our own communities, in partnership with a variety of sectors, including health care, state government and local school districts. We hope you walk away from this meeting not only with a greater understanding of this issue, but also the connections – with fellow grantmakers and others – that will allow you to support Georgia’s children in an effective and meaningful way.


2019 Annual Conference: Creating Resilience: Preserving Georgia's Natural Environment


2017 Annual Conference: State of Mind: Child Mental Health in Georgia