Public Policy Committee: a refreshed approach in 2025

On January 13th, the Georgia General Assembly convened for its annual session, with state lawmakers gathering to address key legislative priorities for the year ahead.

The legislative and fiscal priorities of the 2025 Georgia General Assembly are likely to have significant implications for the nonprofit sector in the state. If the legislature focuses on funding for healthcare, education, or social services, it could open new opportunities for nonprofit organizations that provide vital community services in these areas. However, any cuts to public funding or changes to tax policies—such as reduced state tax credits or fewer incentives for charitable donations—could strain nonprofits that rely on public grants or private contributions. Additionally, changes in labor laws, such as adjustments to minimum wage or employee benefits, may affect the operational costs for nonprofits, which often work with limited budgets. On the other hand, any state-level initiatives designed to foster economic development or improve infrastructure might present new partnerships or grant opportunities for nonprofits to support workforce development, environmental sustainability, or community revitalization.

Georgia Grantmakers Alliance is committed to helping foundation leaders monitor, interpret, and address public policy that impacts our nonprofit partners and communities, as well as policy and practices that directly impact both our sector and the broader nonprofit ecosystem. GGA’s Public Policy Committee met in December to outline (1) the services and resources the Committee will provide to the broader GGA membership, and (2) objectives for evolving the Committee’s tools to one of allyship with the nonprofit sector.

1. Services and Resources GGA’s Public Policy Committee Will Provide to Broader GGA Community

  • Collect and distribute state advocacy agendas (both budget and policy) from nonprofit advocacy partners. Some of GGA’s advocacy partners are Georgia Budget & Policy Institute (GPBI), GEEARS, Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education (GPEE), VOICES for Georgia’s Children, Georgia Water Coalition, and Georgians for a Healthy Future. If you are working with a nonprofit partner that we should include, please email us.  

  • Collect and distribute educational opportunities about the legislative session. 

  • Provide on-ramps for GGA stakeholders to learn about the value of investing in non-profits that do advocacy work – this will come in the form of virtual learning sessions.  

    • Webinar in planning stages for March…Stay tuned!

2. Objectives for Evolving the Committee’s Tools to One of Allyship with the Nonprofit Sector

  • Learn the playbook from other philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) about how they have built public policy portfolios. 

  • As a strategy to build GGA’s advocacy muscle, ignite participation in Foundations on the Hill (FOTH).

  • Further investigate and explore how GGA can support the health of the nonprofit sector at large.

  • Be a resource to all grantmakers in Georgia. 

If you are interested in learning more, please attend an upcoming event produced by our nonprofit partner organizations or reach out to us.


Addressing Federal Funding Threats and Their Impact on Georgia's Nonprofits


From Tripp Penn, Chair